Jet Lube 78816 Korr-Guard Storage Compound, 5 gal Pail, Gel/Paste Form, Pale Olive Green, 0.94
Jet Lube® Korr-Guard™ is a water displacing, specialized formula utilizing a unique approach to rust and corrosion prevention. It is a semi-fluid product for ease of application and it is slightly over-based to protect against acid fume and oxidation. Many of the corrosion-resistant greases on the market are petroleum base oils thickened with 3% to 9% soap. The soaps are typically lithium, aluminum and anhydrous calcium and the resulting grease is treated with 2 to 5% rust inhibitor. The rust inhibitor is oil soluble and surface active, wanting to wet out on the steel surface. Over a time, the oil separates and the low additive content depletes. Korr-Guard™ actually complexes the rust inhibitor in high quantity as a component in the thickener.
Water displacing
Rust and corrosion-resistant
Surface active
Semi-fluid for easy application
Easily flows into the thread roots for displacing moisture
Slightly over based to protect against acid fume or oxidation